Tuesday, January 11, 2005

We Are Infinite.

It has come to my attention that Keiko knows all of my secrets. Pretty much any event in my life that has had any real weight (or just any event) has been described to her at length and probably multiple times. this is not a bad thing.

I would like a make a general announcement that gossip is from hell; though i do partake in it quite freely i, under no circumstances, feel it is appropriate to establish opinions of a person solely based on what someone else may or may not say. i work hard to place my friends in their best light, it would be unfair for anyone not to. we are all human and we are not perfect. we are not perfect friends and we are not perfect lovers but i would like to think that the people closest to me are as near perfect as possible, and i will never see them differently... unless they hurt my dog. everyone deserves a chance to be the kind of persont he/she deserves to be.

So though i claim to be a grammarian, i do occasionally end a sentense with a preposition. And i am okay with that.

on a side note: i'm through with this debating over whether or not we should be friends. its tiring and i feel it would be more productive to channel my energy elsewhere. regardless of the terms on which we end, i feel compelled to tell you that i do not speak ill of you and i expect the same decency and respect from you. if this seems impersonal it is because that is how i indended it to sound. i don't want to be a bitch. and i don't want to fight. If nothing else, i would genuinely appreciate civilty. (insert ...).

enough existentialism for one night.

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