Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Someday at Christmas

I'm excited for break if for no other reason than to get away from the constant status updating about studying for finals. SHUT UP. we are all studying finals. I really don't understand why you think telling everyone about how many hours you've been studying today is important or worthwhile or relevant to anyone else. I studied today and THEN I TOOK A NAP! oh my god! ill probably fail because I haven't stared aimlessly at my notes for hours on end. Jesus christ. and now I'm updating this instead of studying neuro. and don't even get me started on histo.

Its taking every ounce of self control i have to not go into the kitchen and eat handfuls of apple cinnamon cheerios. that is one of the saddest statements of 2012.

the christmas stockings are as empty as my heart.

grinchy grinch grinch.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Those days you forget to wear deodorant

Messy stressy. I have a headache. How did it already become Wednesday night?!!?! this anatomy lab final is going to kill me... at least it will if psycho kitten doesn't kill me first. I think he is more than 5 pounds now. But it is really hard to tell. He still seems tiny compared to adult cats. I can't believe i have finals next week. I love getting emails about the interest that my loan is collecting. At least they only disburss 20k at a time so I had one semester with interest only collected on that 20,000 instead of the full 40! yay! stacks on stacks on stacks. I'm very ready for Christmas break.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Lady Lazarus

I wanted to go to bed early because this day was just terrible. But now i just want to watch movies. I started "Lost" against my better judgment. I should have watched "Much Ado About Nothing" because it is a great play. I wanted to name Olive "Hero" but I didn't think anyone would get that it was a Shakespeare reference. Plus if you damage the spinal cord, everything is not "FINE" once you sew them up. I know that much is true.

Atlas is not being the devil tonight. which is nice for a change.

The quiz today was absolutely awful.