Saturday, January 22, 2005

City on Down- Hello 2005- and always, SARDINES.

I think today is the begining of the rest of my life and i'm going to make it and i'm going to make it on my own. Its time for me to start living. I can't base my happiness on the status of our relationship- I know now. So no more worrying because I believe in myself this time. And its not about "us." its about "you" and "me." I realize this now. and I am sincerely happy for you. Best wishes to you in the near future if we don't keep our friendship up as much as we both want to. Honestly, I'm ready to be myself again. This bitter mess is not who I enjoy being.

"If this is what will really make you happy.. then I say we'll be old enough to know better, young enough to pretend. This is the last of my letters until I see you again."- Get Up Kids


"you act like you don't know me.
you act like you cant see me.
i just wish you would show me
that you'll be right on my time.

I know you're kind of busy these days
its been a day but i haven't heard you call
i'd climb a mountain just to get a better view of you
but i'll never ask again."


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