Saturday, April 19, 2014

Um Ya Ya

Obsessed with Rogue Valley in general but the song Bay of Pigs in particular.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

blah blah midterms

"Guinea pigs kind of freak me out."- Christine

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Just Classic Polioencephalomalacia

Matt claims my standards for humor have dropped dramatically since starting vet school and, at this point, I have to admit that may be true. I think there was a time, no, I know there was a time when my jokes had absolutely nothing to do with biology/physiology in any way. Now my humor revolves around the admittedly lame puns I create in the car while I am talking to myself. Wow.

And yet... I still think I'm pretty funny. I like to think my hilarity now reaches new depths previously unexplored wittiness. Like The Abyss, except instead of the ocean, it is the deep sulci of my brain. 

All that gitters is old.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Heart and Soul

"When life gives you tampons, make tamponade." - Christine

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

All These Things That I've Done

I'm sorry for being an intolerable girlfriend and a worse friend. I've always thought, or at least hoped, that there was a good person somewhere inside of me. Maybe that just isn't true. I didn't think it would ever be possible for us to get to a point where we questioned whether this was still right. I'm not at that point but I'm sorry if I pushed you there.
I've always wanted the best for you and I'm sorry that has gotten lost in my stubborn abrasiveness. I'm sorry for projecting all my own insecurities about my career choices onto you. I'm sorry that my attempts to advocate for you have probably felt more like warfare. I'm sorry I've fought against you when I should have been in your corner. I'm sorry for not just shutting the fuck up and listening. I'm sorry for not telling you everyday how much I appreciate you and love you. I'm sorry for not apologizing for all these things until now.