Tuesday, May 22, 2007

armani code

i like the tie-dye/flannel combo.

lets get you new shoes.

"uh, AFRICA, tomorrow."

kissing is nice.

i still need a job.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

nothing left to lose.

no ireland. no rome. just minnesota.

i love being penalized for the fact that i have traveled abroad.

this place is a prison.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

huge bug bite on my arm

Finals start tomorrow. Thank god i've finished my math paper and now i need to work on my Arab papers which i was SO SURE i was going to start ahead of time and of course im not going to start it until tomorrow which my professor told us definitely not to do.

we saw a turkey truck today with tons of live turkeys in it going to the meat packing plant and it made me really sad. so now im vegetarian. is that spelled right? who cares.

i ate a lot of twizzlers today.

why doesn't anyone call me back when i fight with them and hang up clearly mad!? im manipulative but i dont care. call me back. ugh.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

WHO did you think i was?

"How many blows to the belly will this thing take that we refer to as our true love. we both know its dead and its been dying for some time but we refuse to let it go."

tired.lazy.ready to go home.

wasting my time in all this.

Friday, May 11, 2007

real women have curves

i can't stop watching nip/tuck. and i am becoming simultaneously obsessed and disgusted with plastic surgery. its such a gruesome process, even moreso than on Dr. 90210. i dont think i would ever get it but i do want to get m hair highlighted/cut with a body wave and to get a massage and facial. this is altering enough and luckily- pain free! i need to get a job so i can afford it though because im pretty sure id have to pay for the facial myself.

i need my hair to have body. i think if i got a perm it would fall out in like a day. my hair is dead dead dead. but soon it will be blonde and dead dead dead. wooo.

get me home. i only have 2 finals next saturday and thats it. tonight i plan to do my math project final and maybe read for my arab paper.

im a tease!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

craig's list sucks now

i am finally done with basketball and not a minute too soon. my back has been killing me lately and i need to go to the chiropractor and get a massage when i get home. i bought the US News and world report's "America's Best Graduate Schools" and im pretty excited to own it. Even though there arent a whole lot of non-health related fields that im interested in. oh well. i wish i updated this more often but i dont really have much to say. i just want to go home.

Monday, May 07, 2007

randoms on the internet

another monk-e-mail and no less creepy. anonymity is so 1999.

i just want to get a job for the summer and also go home.

i don't want to take finals.

Friday, May 04, 2007

St. Olaf: Where Ugly Shoes Come to Die

There's something disturbing about the footwear of st. olaf students. Its not just the occasional misguided fashion victim, but droves upon droves of disgusting shoes walking on the feet of completely oblivious people who, as far as i can tell, think they are really cool. And its not just one type of shoe i.e. dressy, casual, athletic but every and all. Of course, i have been known to indulge in the rare oddity when it comes to shoe shopping, but never have i knowingly been so completely careless and backwards as to buy a pair of clearly outdated shoes more than 3 years after they have become outdated: SKECHERS is my main example. And not just the "cool chic ashlee-simpson-marketed" skechers of today, but the ugly metalic reflector infested space-gym shoe of 2002. I admit that i did own these for a short period of time but wore them maybe 3 times before quickly passing them on after learning my mistake. Its just a little sad and weird to see such a high concentration of ugly shoes in a relatively small student body. There are the rare few who understand the greatness of the Old Navy flipflop over the TEVA ultra grip mountain hiking sandal, and i appreciate these few and i wish they would also speak up about the epidemic of ugly footwear so i know im not alone in feeling this way.

i also had an MRI today and they are really loud and annoying and long and i don't ever want one again.