Monday, April 09, 2007

if these walls could talk

i don't really know what to say or who to say it to. if there was ever a chance that 2007 was going to be easier and happier than 2006 it has already gone out the window. its amazing how little you know about a person until you are betrayed; at which point you are finally able to put all the pieces together to gain an ultimate, albeit delayed, understanding of the person. and suddenly ahh. it all makes sense. and i guess its not really that much of a shock after all. and families get destroyed everyday. and its true that this love really is silent, so silent that i doubt its existence most of the time.

and suddenly courtney is the only one you can trust.
and not so suddenly, you're not so surprised anymore.

there is something completely unsatisfying about where i am in life right now. i guess i will just keep trying to hold whatever together despite your continuous apathy and indifference. the role reversal amazes me and i feel like i'm dying inside a little more everyday. maybe it doesn't really matter. maybe we finally killed whatever it was we had and now youre realizing it. maybe explanations. maybe nothing.

“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.”

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