Saturday, January 31, 2004

unsettled, severing always severing old ties.
one last good-bye may last the rest of your life.
one way trip can work both ways and loose ends kept untied
make better friends.
the things you buy may someday leave you.
can you say full ride?
i can still see you around.

From a somewhat frequent routine to an awkward silence that's lasted over a year i can say i don't know you and probably be more than accurate. i can also say i know you best and be more than accurate despite my sweeping generalizations. is there a reason i don't call? is there a reason you don't? we get caught up in everything so fast that by the time we realize our errors our bullheaded nature has taken control and the loss of dignity is too great a risk to take. when open-ended questions aren't questions at all, when the idea of our friendship has been burried too deeply to be uprooted, and when we graduate high school and never talk again, then will it be time to put our pride to the side and pick up the pieces? I'm not sure who you are, but i know who you were, and if new jersey makes you sad, i think you should know it makes me sad too.

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