Monday, December 29, 2003

so lauren posted her new years resolutions on her blog so i'm going to do the same thing.

1) no more fast food

wow that was easy alright so im not as determined as lauren but i know i cannot both like myself and other people all in the same year. thats just asking way too much. so i'll start small and maybe by the time im 45 ill be on the same track as her. it doesn't really make a difference though because no fast food is important and maybe ill be healthy and being healthy would lead to being more positive and optimistic. see i'm just simplifying lauren;s list and starting with the root cause of all my destructive behavior. because if i can blame my life on anything, its fast food.

in other news... i went downtown today and saw the Manet exibit. it was nice but i decided i like monet much better. sorry buddy. we went to urban outfitters too and i got mittens and a shirt that says "i <3 sloths" yeah nice? well fuck you. its clever. steve is sitting on my bed now. bored and i;m typing this. i suppose its time to go entertain him.

ps. i like the great gatsby. but i wish i could finish it so i could start apus and oh does anyone want to help me with the huck finn outline?yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeah

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