Saturday, November 22, 2003

Writing is hard when you don't know how to focus. as long as i live i dont believe ill ever find anyone better focused than Carter. the word formation and sentence structure. i can't even write on this about it. i feel inferior. but when it boils down to literary genius, i'm no second place to carters undeniable victory. if anything ever moved me, it was his words. if anyone ever taught me, it was he. if anything ever burned me, it was my desire to obtain his abiities. i am not he. and he is not me. as frustrating and hard for me to grasp as that concept is, i must admit my life's somber defeat, but not in a somber tone at all. because i have been moved more by his words and feelings in than by the act of living itself, and for that i am grateful and have not been defeated, but enlightened. i could never forget.

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