Thursday, September 04, 2008

I promise you I'm doing the best that I can.

courtney is a better blogger than me. This is going to be a really tiring semester followed by another really tiring semester followed by a really tiring life. As my itunes shuffles from one bad song to the next i wish i could get back to a less stressful time of my life, but according to this blog, that point must have been before 2002 because nothing written in this describes the easy life of a stress free adolescent. Young adult angst has taken hold and i would be totally content to go back home after graduating and repeat this last summer for at least 3 more years. I don't know if my parents would actually kick me out but I kind of doubt it.

I don't understand why my mom calls me with absolutely nothing to say. example:

mom: hiiiii
me: hi
mom: i haven't sent the stuff you asked me to send yet.
me: why not?
mom: i keep forgetting the box at work.
me: oh
mom: eric wants me to send him shower shoes tell him to walk to target.
mom: axle got a haircut today and he has a back-to-school bandana with school busses on it.
me: awesome...
me: well...
mom: okayyyy well maybe i'll call this weekend.
me: ok talk to you later
mom: byeeeeeeeeeee

Effexor is terrible. I would never recommend it to anyone. I'm kind of psychotic without it, but at least now i can orgasm.

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