Monday, May 03, 2004

I don't update very often. i'm not sure why not because i like this better than livejournal. from what i've gathered so far, live journals become obnoxious and it seems like people feel compelled to write about worthless details regarding their daily routines that just seem monotonous and boring. i'd rather not really be a part of that. of course i'll still write in livejournal, but there just wont be any real value in what i say. that is not to say that what i write in this is valuble or anything. but i feel more comfortable knowing only my friends have this link, and even they don't often access it. right now i am thinking of colleges i want to go to and i have a recently updated top 5.

1. Rice
2. Cornell
3. UVA
4. Georgetown
5. Wesleyan

Now i'm going to go study some more for the US final and AP test. i guess this is life. oh axle.

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