Wednesday, April 02, 2003
while i was sitting on your couch talking to you. i asked you a question and you answered and it was a perfect answer. because it was honest. i had this weird feeling during that conversation. it was kind of unsettling because i've never felt so vulnerable... or seseptable... or something. the fact that i couldn't tell exactly what i was feeling was unnerving. but it felt okay. it felt right. im usually too oblivious or ignorant to get butterflies when i should... i just forget to get them or something. but i still feel them from days ago. i know i don't have to worry about a lot of people calling me lame because of this post because i only know a few people who read it. it is sort of lame i guess... but what i'm feeling is definitely not. sometimes i think im silly... yes... silly, with the way i feel about you... the fact that i studder an extreme amount mainly... but i guess it happens and theres really nothing i can do about it. i wish i could write it out better... what i was feeling... so i don't forget.... but i have this feeling that im not going to forget it anytime soon. and i could debate what i feel over and over again it wouldn't change. am i scared? yeah as hell, right now i'm staring at my moniter attempting to convince myself NOT to post this because i have this overwhelming feeling that you'll freak out when you read it. i know i will inevitably post it... and you'll most likely read it... and i hope you understand this is an extremely vague description of my feelings and if it does freak you out... well... soorry.. haha i just needed to write it down. i need it to look back on. you're amazing. there isn't really much more i can say because that about sums up everything. i know you don't think you're cool, but you really are. maybe someday ill convince you. its doubtful but ill be optimistic. i guess i just wanted to let you know in some indefinite way that you have made your mark on my heart.
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