Friday, April 04, 2003
so this is the climactic point of my week. friday. and i am sitting at home staring at a monitor. im just waiting for my ruca. today the pep assembly was pretty lame because the sports teams suck. but since i was an MC it made it THAT much better. yeah im just pretty cool i guess. i wonder what we'll end up doing tonight. probably nothing TOO exciting because nothing around here is. oh well it will be fun anyway. "i love the way you move. i love the way you rap" i'm so bored. i need to get a life. i could go for a nice nap right now. this summer sarah and i with the help of courtney of course are remaking my room. it needs it badly. these manatees are just too much for me. haha. im going to have some cool contemporary paintings and some other posters too. less music and more arts and dramatics. my eyes are closing now.... drift... boo. "won't somebody get me off of this reef? baby you're a big blue whale" sublime is so classic. i love it. im talking to courtney now about TPH and im reminiscing
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