This morning I dropped my foster "Hazel" off at 6:45 and she continues her trip from the dirty south up to Minneapolis. She was an extremely sweet and emaciated little Pitbull who had recently had puppies. Judging by her perfectly white teeth, she was probably less than 2 years old. Despite the fact that she had no table manners, tried to eat my dinner out of my hands, pooped on my floor right in front of me, was in heat and actively bleeding, and probably had fleas that she gave to my apartment, i really liked her.
i'm not going to get on my soap box about Pitbulls because i feel like i'm always on a soap box about something. and i hate the phrase "get on a soap box." why is it so common? or if it isn't common, why is it common at illinois vet med? because I heard it at least 5 times during the 2 days of orientation and i have heard it sporadically since then; and now i'm using it! where was i going with this? Right. Pitbulls. They are as nice and sweet as any other dog could potentially be (with the obvious exception of Sheba Inus, who are incapable of being sweet without malicious undertones... or just incapable period.) HAH! not kidding.
Today I pick up Atlas at 3! I've already spent at least $100 on cat stuff and that doesn't even include a litter box or litter or food. well it includes a little bit of food. I'm a very concerned cat owner already hahaha. Thanks to the Purina and Hills feeding programs, I can ALMOST afford to feed him only wet food, which is the goal. I'm worried he will be bored when I'm at class. especially on mondays and wednesdays when I'm gone from 9-6. why am i getting a 12 week old kitten?!!? I guess i really am a masochist.
Its amazing how much time i spend studying and now i say things like "I only got 2 or 3 solid hours of studying done yesterday, but I swear I'll be more productive today."
Today, if i play my cards right, I should get at least 6 hours and hopefully 7.
I just want to get a C on this quiz tomorrow but i would obviously also accept a B. The idea of an A is hilarious!
cranial tibial! cranial tibial! cranial tibial!
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