I just came into my living room to sit down and study (more) with my second glass of wine and I was thinking about what a witty and clever facebook status I could make about some non-existent adage that wine is a proven study aid for gross anatomy memorization when I spilled my wine all over the floor. This could have happened because either a) it is in my very nature to spill/break anything and everything I touch or b) God is trying to ruin my witty facebook status while at the same time telling me i shouldn't be drinking while i study.
I decided it was probably choice b (because I am that egocentric); and just to throw it in God's face, I poured myself another glass of wine.
On a semi-unrelated note, vet school is really hard. Don't believe anyone who says "the hardest part is getting in." That part actually wasn't that hard (said while patting myself on the back), the hard part is distinguishing between some muscle of the hind limb that i don't know and some other muscle of the hind limb that i don't know. The hard part is just staying sane after being in lecture for 19 hours a week and lab for 10 hours a week. 29 hours?! you really can't believe it, can you? Its enough formalin exposure to make your nose bleed (I should know because mine did.) Yeah, yeah, yeah, cry me a river. I asked for this didn't I? I spent 3 years working towards this, right? To quote the insightful words of my mother, "Audrey, you never like anything in the moment it is happening. You only like things in retrospect."
Now my wine is gone and I didn't get a chance to put my non-existent adage to the test.
“It takes a genius to whine appealingly.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald
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