I'm excited about the Droid for several reasons:
1. it runs Android as an operating system rather than windows or linux.
2. FINALLY a cool and decent phone from Motorola
3. FINALLY a cool and decent Motorola phone on Verizon
is it still ok to say "cool"? i just reread that and thought it sounded really lame.
Thank god i opted for the one year contract on my current piece of shit toy phone.
This weekend is the ski and snowboard convention and i need to get new boots cheap. My permanent euro-frostbite is going to get annoying.
Matt is officially 23 and Courtney isn't far behind. The closer we get to 25, the more terrified i am of actually starting my life. Luckily none of us really have careers yet so i still feel like we are 20.
Someone at Northern called me an OLE yesterday when i was wearing my usual stolaf attire. I was so excited even though it was a 75 year old man.
June the horse died at the Heritage farm on Saturday. It was sad.
what the hell is a droid? sounds like some sort of spacecraft.
it runs android thats why its called the droid. plus you should be happy something is out to conquer the iphone. and on verizon so get back in. its the network.
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