Tuesday, September 09, 2008

I hate bill beckett but...

"Well the neighbors have complained damn near every night."

unfortunately the only thing i can really work out to or run to is the Academy and fall out boy. I just can't get used to calling them the academy is... so im not going to. I wish i didn't have lame pseudo-connections to these bands that showed me what assholes some of the members are. I could remain in blissful pop rock ignorance forever.

i saw my first roommate from sophomore year the other day. a moments glance ruined my semester. kidding. but i do hate her and i have never had so much pent up rage for a particular person.

in her infamous words as she walked out the door and out of my life, "I'm goin to Iowa."

absolutely beautiful and poignant on every literary level.

I have probably repeated that quote in at least 4 other posts but its so perfect and since courtney is the only one who really reads this, its more for her than anyone else.

McRib is back!

Now i'm just putting off my reading. I had all these creative things to say that i thought of on the verge of sleep last night (how stream of consciousness of me!) but now i forgot them all. It was probably just a series of witty insults to carrie stillman.

and yes i can hold a grudge like nobodys business. does this mean i'm not going to live as long as other nice people? where is the face full of jostons snl skit? i want to watch it now!


i need new jeans. denim denim denim! why? i really just want to wear sweatpants all day for life!!!

also- i need start looking for a job for when i graduate in like 8 months? wow that is SICK! sick bad for sure. and its lame that the only thing they have here are MINNESOTA job fairs. I guess i should have gone to illinois wesleyan. oh well.

and carter dropped out of u of i? now hes in the parkland college or something network. i dont know but it sounds like a community college. whats up with that? (this was directed specifically to courtney, obviously)

dear god get this academy off my itunes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

August Premier 4EVA! where is that fucking hoodie? its been missing for about 6 years.

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