Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Never is a promise, and you can't afford to lie.

I'm somewhat disappointed in certain aspects of my life. well probably all. but whatever. I'm only complaing to keep myself busy, sweetie. I'm tired of life and blah blah blah you know how it is. i wrote a poem but i'm not going to put it on here. ill write a haiku instead.

The snow on the ground
Lets me know there's something more
Than grades and class rank

okay now another...

I thought I was smart
I'm not. I fail everything
Whatever that means.

one more...

My dog is so great
He doesn't care about grades
That's why he's awesome

last one...

And no justification
Just plain apathy.

fuck my face. fuck my name. they are brief and false advertisements for a soul i don't have. something true i have lacked. and spent my whole life trying to make up for.

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