Friday, July 25, 2003

ive eaten 5 fla-vor-ices in about 10 minutes. my mouth is purple. i'm about to go get some more. but im scared its too late lol. i wish they werent so irresistable

i just went and got 2 more.

what an amazing business. no one could ever replace these. they are so perfect as they are. i really shouldnt eat anymore tonight 7 is tooo many.

oh mansomething so funny

Chaos6575: one that I was talking to, reminded me of you
skippysTd: haha you pimp
skippysTd: in what way?
Chaos6575: haha, no, you know me
Chaos6575: I don't know, she looked like you, talked like you, but had my personality
Chaos6575: it was kinda weird
Chaos6575: like we had a kid or something
skippysTd: hahahahahaha

ohhhhhhhhhh gio!!!!!!!!

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