Thursday, January 31, 2013

Formalin- makes you cry and gets you high

Vet school: the only professional school with students constantly posting pictures of baby animals on facebook.

Apartment hunting is more entertaining on TV

spending 8 hours in the anatomy lab today made me feel like i know even less about the thorax than i did before. I thought i could come home at 10 and study until 1. I can't.

sometimes I think, "wow, my cat is smart." more often I think, "wow, my cat is not smart."

serratus dorsalis cranialis.

Friday, January 25, 2013

When you see your life in Comic Sans MS

Lost is a show that is completely dependent on audience manipulation. But, I am at a point in my TV watching career where i just don't really care if I'm being manipulated. I actually enjoy it. I realized today that the majority of the pictures on my phone are of my cat... a somewhat depressing realization. I do like my cat, and I do think he is adorable but I have become that owner. The owner that thinks her male cat always has a UTI. The owner that feeds her cat canned food only. The owner that refuses to use clay litter. It is ridiculous but I'm really not surprised. The quiz today was exhausting. I would prefer to never seem my results. Midterms in just over a week! Huzzah! I'm trying to get a lab animal medicine fellowship over the summer. I hope, if i get it, someone from PETA throws blood on me. Since the fellowship is at UIC, I don't think its entirely out of the realm of possibility that I would encounter an angry PETA member. "Animal rightsists" (as they are fondly called) are straight up INSANE.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

tuesday night fun house

there has been a breach in my concentration. I dont know how i will ever know enough. I also don't know why my cat chews on electrical cords. I'm dreading this  quiz Friday. Quarter systems suck. why does anyone think they are a good idea? Instead of studying, I am writing cards to people on my personalized Disney princess stationary. huzzah.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

my glasses are ombre

I bought new Kinvaras and registered for the Geist Half. The thought of running a half marathon in schaumburg, or anywhere in illinois for that matter, is completely nauseating, so indianapolis seems like the natural next move. it is also flat. i won't train for a while because of the vein laser i had today. my leg is killing me. marianos is the most amazing grocery store. i saw silver linings play book with linda tonight. i should be in champaign right now. OOPS.