Friday, November 02, 2007
drifting drifting drifting
my work never ends and my grades are never up
lifting lifting lifting
my weight is slowly rising and my hope is steadily
falling falling falling
the night is the loneliest because i know that no one is
calling calling calling
1200 greenvale ave
we must live in this little white and green house because it is the most reasonable and also so cute.
i wonder how this living situation is going to actually work out next year. i wonder who will actually live through the year. something tells me not everyone possibly can.
i dont want to go back to work tomorrow or quite frankly ever again.
i miss matt and would like to go home.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
i want to know that i'm not the only one who wastes thousands of dollars getting mediocre grades and feeling completely insignificant in a world of determined and motivated people. i need to know that i will eventually get the hang of it even if i never really understand it. Right now i feel like im in limbo. im not a kid and im not an adult. im not an academic but i'm not a drop out. i'm from a family of literary genius and yet i can't write. i dont know if this really means i'm incapable of writing or if i just having found any successful methods.
my parents insist that i am not trying my hardest. and i guess its true i dont study every waking moment of my life. like right now, for instance, i'm writing in this instead of reviewing for an in class essay tomorrow. but i don't know how i can study when i just cant stop thinking about everything else. i would like to believe that other people have just as much trouble as i do with making it through the day. its not that i want to fail my classes. its not that i dont want to do well in every aspect of my life. but theres a ringing in my ears that doesn't seem to ever go away and i can't really see the world, let alone understand it, through all the noise.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
trapped in the amber of this moment
"What I really want to do with my life - what I want to do for a living - is I want to be with your daughter. I'm good at it."
say anything
also chaucer sucks. and i like to read important books but not his.
"The most important thing I learned... was that when a person dies he only appears to die. He is still very much alive in the past, so it is very silly for people to cry at his funeral. All moments, past, present, and future, always have existed, always will exist."
kurt vonnegut
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
cause afterall, you're my wonderwall
i feel sick to my stomach and also like there is a brick on my chest. i dont know what this is from but its bothering me.
the drive home is so nice and relaxing with court and at the same time my stomach is in knots and im so anxious and nervous.
i keep forgetting to take my medicine and i think that might be a reason why i feel sick. i hate when i do that.
i'm also sick of eating hogan brothers and dont really want to anymore.
most people at st olaf annoy me and most customers at hogan brothers drive me insane.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Always do what you are afraid to do.
im also afraid to write my chaucer paper but im conquering that fear as we speak. or as i write. which i guess im kind of not becaus eim doing this instead but i have my intro done. WOO. only like 850 more words to go!
as a junior and also an english major, you would think citations would be no problem for me but alas, i still get them wrong, almost all the time.
Go-Tarts are not filling. dont believe anyone who says they are.
im hungry.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)
thats actually sad not funny.
i dont really want to go to work tonight.
or write my chaucer paper afterwards. which is what my night's plan is.
home in five days.
Friday, October 05, 2007
i want your lungs to stop working without me
"I felt you in my life before I ever thought to."
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Gryffindor! hear me ROAR!
katie= ravenclaw
sam= ravenclaw
natalie= ravenclaw
greta= hufflepuff
jaye= hufflepuff
ann= gryffindor
me= gryffindor
we ain't no slytherins.
i need a tattoo. i dream about them.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
all eyes are on me now
i'm going to get a tattoo over winter break. i really just don't care about what my mom says.
my new month of minutes started on the 21st of september and as of today, the 2nd of october, i have already used 548 of my 700 minutes. yeahhhhhh this isn't going to work.
i just want back into your head. mis miss misss missssssssss you mattttttt.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
I'm glad it rained.
I wish i were with matt right now.
I rarely have anything profound to say.
College is getting the best of me.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
hard to concentrate on anything but you
if I lost everything I would hold you -
in my hands and open them every time I had the chance"
satellite party
you are the blood in my veins
i drank too much tonight and then proceeded, obviously, to eat too much. this is the general way of things and i must work out tomorrow before work if i dont want to feel like a hobgoblin. i havent run in over a month and im starting to doubt whether or not its even possible for me to do so. im going to go to the gym and eliptocal it up just in case. that way i can feel like im burning calories and doing something even if im not really.
in other news, the caf. has been disappointing the last several days and i anxiously await my shift and hogan brothers and consequentially my 1/2 hoagie with all my special ingredients. i always talk about not getting a sandwhich when iwork but i always do. ahhh woe is me.
this is my first non-verse update in a while and im not really sure how to feel about it. i have a headache from the alcohol an i should be drinking water but none of it is cold so im having diet coke and greatly anticipating my breakfast/wahtevermeal of tomorrow. i think im hungrier here than i am at home. i don know why this is. probably because of all my extreme brain activity burning calories like the mother fucking iron man.
Monday, September 24, 2007
If you want blood, you got it
"He could not live away from her.
This was the way with them: they were
Like honeysuckle which you see
Wrapped around a hazel tree;
When it takes hold there and has bound
The trunk with tendrils all around,
They will live, both vine and stem,
But should someone uncouple them,
Then the hazel quickly dies,
And the honeysuckle likewise.
'So we, fair friend, can never be-
I without you; you without me.'"
Friday, September 21, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
home in 20 hours
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
miss you
And tell me truly, men of earth,
If all the soul-and-body scars
Were not too much to pay for birth.
-robert frost
Monday, September 17, 2007
what do you do with an English major?
i don't know if i should give up this whole career after college thing and get back on the grad school path. Its the only direction that seemed relatively safe and easy to get to. Of course the thought of staying in school for another 2 years after my undergrad sentence is up is daunting to say the least. But grad school would be different right? Just like college is so much different from high school. I'm of the opinion that life pretty much stays like high school forever. Thats just the median maturity level for most Americans today regardless of age/gender/income. Also- if i just believe people don't ever get anymore tolerable than they were at age 15, ill always be pleasantly surprised when someone does act like a decent human being.
so the job hunt continues and who knows what kind of career ill end up with. The search for an internship that will accept me will most likely end in failure but ill press on none-the-less. I can't imagine being on the Oregon Trail with my family and covered wagon. I think i would refuse to go but then i would be straying from the idea of the "true woman." This was just a random digression into the social injustices regarding gender in the 19th century. I would like to think that if i lived during that time i would be like Annie Oakley or Calamity Jane but more likely, i would be just a domestic and obedient wife, ready to cook for my husband and rear my children until my uterus is dried up. and even then id still have to cook for him while hes out doing log rolling contests or whatever stupid ass men did in those days to prove they were the shit.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
for someone who doesn't read this
we are more than most will ever find.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Everything I'm thinking/feeling/being/loving
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
e.e. cummings
i believe in us
Victor Hugo
I couldn't describe anything more perfectly.
8 days.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
im ok youre ok. mxpx sucks. courtney doesnt.
Do you own any pets, and if so what do you have? half horse half lamb half ixy
Who do you admire most? not really anyone
Do you have any tattoos, and if so what and where? i wish
When do you plan on getting married? it gets earlier everytime im asked, 24 is the number of the day
Get the number or give the number? uh neither
Romance or Kinky Sex? It depends on the mood
How do you feel? sad, lonely, anxious, scared
What size shoe do you wear? 9.5 (i'm honest)
Water or 100% Juice? water
T-Mobile, U.S. Cellular, Cingular/AT&T, or Sprint/Nextel? just not verizon. ugh.
Would you rather be hot or cold? cold
Would you rather lose an arm or a leg? a baby toe
Favorite Place to Eat? anywhere really. somewhere italian...
Opera, Musical, Concert, Play, Performance, or Other? Concert or play!
What is your favorite clothing brand? fuck them all im too broke.
Most Memorable Past? everything this summer and spring break 2003 of course.
Most embarrassing moment? buying the wrong cigarettes.
If you had to pick one car, which would it be? Pink H1, or any H1
Your favorite Disney Films? MIRACLE!
Why did the chicken cross the road? to be alone
Do you support Paris? probably not
Where is Waldo? the waiting room at the dentist
Favorite element? aluminum
What was your last thought? i really have to pee
Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape, or other? Firefox
Who are you going to vote for in 2008? I'm probably not going to vote. OOPS.
Juice and crackers or milk and cookies? milk and cookies any day
Favorite fruit? plum, grapes
Which is worse? A bad laugh or a bad cough? bad laugh, i should know, i have one.
Are you a cat or a dog person? 75/25 dogs to cats
Would you rather be blind or deaf? deaf i think
Define yourself in 3 words... messy, lonely, disaster.
Do you eat cold cereal at night? I would if i had cereal... or cold...
What is your favorite TV show? Friends will never let you down
Kill the spider or let it out? KILL THAT SHIT
Do you shower every single day? yeah usually
Walking past a beggar, spare change or ignore? probably give everything i own because im such a sucker
Boat or bus? boat if i have taken dramamine
What is your favorate Pj Fabric? SKIN! hahaha
Where do you want to travel next? New Zealand
What would you do if Michael Jackson asked you out? laugh and ask for money instead
What is your favorite food? italian or pizza or mcdonalds
Do you read harry potter books? hell YES
What is your favorite place? matt's bed... ideally with matt or matt's backyard with matt and stog.
If you could have one super human power what would you choose? the ability to get a 4.0!!!!
Have you had a beer in the last week? many
Vitamin Water or Gatorade? both are delicious except the pink vit wat is nasty. riptide rush gat. prob.
Favorite body part? arms, hands, necks
Flip flops or sandles? FLIP
What do you do on fridays? consider driving home
Do you like bananas? indeed
How tall are you?
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
i search for you in poetry
"I stop somewhere waiting for you."
Walt Whitman
ode to stolaf.
The professors are great
If it werent for the students
I'd have it made
get on the incu bus
Is a gift I didn't think could be real.
To know that you feel the same as I do
Is a three-fold, utopian dream.
You do something to me that I can´t explain.
So would I be out of line if i said
I miss you.
I see your picture,
I smell your skin on the empty pillow, next to mine.
You have only been gone ten days
But already I´m wasting away.
I know I´ll see you again
Whether far or soon.
But I need you to know that I care
And, I miss You.
Monday, September 10, 2007
something is missing
something is missing.
you are missing.
i want to come back home.
You are the smell before rain
the distance is worth it. everyday is worth it. i don't think i will be a very good english major.
you are my other half. my better half.
I can't wait to go home. i can't wait for the drive with court and the great hug waiting for me from matt.
i miss you terribly.
Friday, September 07, 2007
I can't sleep tonight
matt matt matt you are my life
"Time is the longest distance between two places."
Tennessee Williams
i hope this works out forever.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
i need to get a life.
i need to get out of northfield.
i miss matt
and courtney
this is just a sad state of affairs.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
hating every minute of it
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
one week until the end of days
i love matt.
Monday, July 23, 2007
I'm excited about the future
I've become something I never thought that I'd become
and don't close your eyes
today marks our one month anniversary
So look how far we've come from a million miles away
never turning back
Wake up don't fall asleep
This was the best day or was it just some crazy dream"
i'm happy.
Friday, July 13, 2007
its hard but better together
Even though it makes me cry, it’s my favorite time to be alive,
And all I know is I feel lost without you.
"I miss you," is not enough.
I know the story’s old; it’s been told a million times before,
But to tell it feels so good.
It reminds me that not all I do is right,
And all I know is I feel so lost without you."
Early November
Monday, July 09, 2007
behind blue eyes
"Have you ever been alone in a crowded room, well I'm here with you"
shuffle makes me realize how bad almost all the music on my ipod is. le tigre fucking sucks.
"we didnt start the fire!!! it was always burning since the world's been turning!"
i swear too much.
"So I said I'm a snowball running
Running down into the spring that's coming
All this love melting under blue skies
Belting out sunlight
Shimmering love
Well baby I surrender
To the strawberry ice cream
Never ever end of all this love
Well I didn't mean to do it
But there's no escaping your love"
upbeat upbeat upbeat. i feel like my handwriting is going to get so bad over the summer and my first semester notes are going to look like shit. this is something im worried about. i hate when my notes are messy and not uniform.
i love THE SNAKE THE CROSS THE CROWN can they go on tour already? and put out a new cd! also- what the fuck happened to my August Premier hoodie!? ive been asking this for at least 4 years.
"The overview is not the same as going through the present joy and all it took to come to this"
i would like to be at a beach right now. a hot ocean one, not a lake michigan one.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
armani code
lets get you new shoes.
"uh, AFRICA, tomorrow."
kissing is nice.
i still need a job.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
nothing left to lose.
i love being penalized for the fact that i have traveled abroad.
this place is a prison.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
huge bug bite on my arm
we saw a turkey truck today with tons of live turkeys in it going to the meat packing plant and it made me really sad. so now im vegetarian. is that spelled right? who cares.
i ate a lot of twizzlers today.
why doesn't anyone call me back when i fight with them and hang up clearly mad!? im manipulative but i dont care. call me back. ugh.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
WHO did you think i was?
tired.lazy.ready to go home.
wasting my time in all this.
Friday, May 11, 2007
real women have curves
i need my hair to have body. i think if i got a perm it would fall out in like a day. my hair is dead dead dead. but soon it will be blonde and dead dead dead. wooo.
get me home. i only have 2 finals next saturday and thats it. tonight i plan to do my math project final and maybe read for my arab paper.
im a tease!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
craig's list sucks now
Monday, May 07, 2007
randoms on the internet
i just want to get a job for the summer and also go home.
i don't want to take finals.
Friday, May 04, 2007
St. Olaf: Where Ugly Shoes Come to Die
i also had an MRI today and they are really loud and annoying and long and i don't ever want one again.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
the sound of lonliness makes me happier
settle baby you are not the sun.
from gutter to glam
i appreciate my well rounded liberal arts college.
i still don't have a resume and need one.
i want another ipex demi. i NEED another ipex demi. i never have enough bras.
get me to winona.
i'm tired. and i cant wait for my single next year. i love costco.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I always want carbs at night
If i don't get into either of the interims i applied for im going to be really sad.
i really want chips right now and this apple is just not doing it for me. tomorrow we are playing kickball in basketball and im just relieved to get a break from basketball and looking like an idiot. I've done half my math test and i hope its right.
This weekend i want to buy a new cartigan in Winona. I also want to eat Taco Johns!
Today i submitted a secret to the stolaf post secrets. Its one that, thank god, no one here could ever trace back to me. unless they recognize my handwriting which is unlikely, but would be not so great. I registered for classes tonight and got what i wanted even though i wasnt really worried about it. my fall of 07 consists of...
English 185- Literary Studies
English 221- Lit. in England to 1650
History 272- Women in America
Spanish 232- Intermed. Spanish 2
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
On Being Pro-Palestine
ALSO- someone sent me some weird monk-e-mail on career builder. it was extremely creepy and said "i have been watching you and i think youre amazing. i know you have a lot of problems with other guys but i can be the guy of your dreams"
nice. thats the pick up line i always fall for. i especially like the lots of problems with other guys line. that makes me feel really good inside.
i dont like it when courtney calls me a brand whore.
"Why is your family Scottish?"
"Why is YOUR family ROSS?"
Monday, April 23, 2007
beating a dead horse.
Janet Frame
I don't know what to do about anything anymore. I wake up and wait for the day to end. I dread phone calls from my family but dread knowing that they won't come even more. I don't understand my friends. I don't understand the people who won't be my friend. I just don't get it. Its just not the way I pictured anything. Maybe it won't work and maybe it is finally time to be done.
"People do not cry because it is the end. They cry because the end does not correspond with their imagination of it."
Janet Frame
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
its why i'm always pacing around or walking away
the other person i do this to is jeanae. i know for a fact that jeanae was my best and only friend at one point in my life. though that point was 6 years ago i still use the 'one of my best friends phrase.' it kind of makes me sick knowing i've been so desperate for attention that i've name dropped. i don't know jeanae anymore or what her life is like. i'm just as much an outsider as everyone else. but i was with her at probably the most crucial point in both of our lives though at the time we had no idea. i had no friends and needed her. i believe that because of who we were at ages 12-15, we determined who we would be for the rest of our lives. that is not to say that we are the same or have ever really been on the same page. but this jaded view of life that i know she shares was born in what i consider to be the lonliest years of my life full of desperate pleas for parental affection and, when ultimately not gaining that, a somewhat downward spiral of alcohol, pot, and self mutilation. usually these unhappy years come later for other people along with the self-medicating. i know the fact that it happened to us so early is weird.
every decision that i have made or that has been made for me in advance has affected who i am now. i dont know who i would have been if i had gone to conant with jeanae and its weird to think that that person may be completley different from who i am today. and that only changing a high school could have altered me that dramatically. i don't know who i would have been if i had gone to boarding school like my dad was pushing for. i dont know if i was destined to end up on this anticlimactic path to grad school career and normalcy and if she was always going to be the interesting one regardless. but i just want to die a little inside when i think about my daily complaints of writing annotated bibliographies for 60 sources because when did these mundane details consume my life?
i want to know when i became such a cynic. and i also want to know why god hates me and gave me such a terrible room draw number making it almost impossible for me to get a single.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
contrary to popular belief
i don't know where i'm supposed to be but getting off the highway at northfield was not the right thing to do.
i also love having classes with people and talking to them in those classes and then seeing them outside of class and getting completely ignored. part of me wants to laugh, part wants to cry. its all just SO dramatic.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
you're an idiot
call me when your sober. or don't call me at all. at this point i really don't care. you're not someone i want to spend time with.
i'm sick of the excuses.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
so my computer broke today. which is awesome. i love Dell. i also have some sick ass project to do for math that i really dont want to do. i hate my blog layout/template but im too lazy to change it. i'm really tired right now. i'm also getting a C in basketball so i plan to drop it on thursday. what a waste of time. id like to do fitness walking in gym. or any gym class that starts after noon. well not basketball again thats for sure. i hate gateways to math. its the most useless class ive taken this year. maybe even ever. amy is getting me a job this summer at benigans so thats pretty sweet. is it bennigans? i dont know. either way, ill be rollin.
so if you ain't got no money take yo broke ass home.
Monday, April 09, 2007
if these walls could talk
and suddenly courtney is the only one you can trust.
and not so suddenly, you're not so surprised anymore.
there is something completely unsatisfying about where i am in life right now. i guess i will just keep trying to hold whatever together despite your continuous apathy and indifference. the role reversal amazes me and i feel like i'm dying inside a little more everyday. maybe it doesn't really matter. maybe we finally killed whatever it was we had and now youre realizing it. maybe explanations. maybe nothing.
“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.”
Sunday, April 08, 2007
viva la white girl
i don't want to go back to school. i actually hate school.
tiger will win today.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
That Was Just Okay for Me, Baby
thats it. ugh i better study abroad ill just be so annoyed with myself if i dont.
I can't stand almost all the people here. i dont know what to do about it. i dont know how im going to make it to mid-may.
Monday, April 02, 2007
these are the april showers
"it was some kind of powdery drug. it might have just been marijuana or something"
AHHHHHHHHH. i need some marijuana just to deal with these obnoxious people.
i plan to spend every weekend of april at winona.
happy birthday stephen.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
just keep me where the light is
Con la luna en mi narÃz
Y como và que eras sincero
En tus ojos me perdÃ"
well 24 hours, 3 in-flight meals, 1 missed connection and a free first-class upgrade later, i'm finally back in Northfield.
I'm getting really dizzy right now and i have no idea why. I need to read almost a whole novel by tuesday and i'm kind of annoyed with it because 50 pages in i already hate the 2 main characters. I really need thursday to come right now. I just want to get home to my dog and bed and uncomfortable green couch. Yesterday axle came in dirty from outside and as soon as my dad opened the door he told axle to "go get in the bath!" and axle, like the obedient baby he is, ran right up into the bathroom and jumped in the bathtub!!!! so CUTE.
Ive been looking at apartments on craigslist and i've gotta be honest, i cant help but feeling that life will be better when im living with courtney and shes working and im in grad school. i feel like im always saying this about the next important part of my life but this time i really hope its true.
psychotic cats are annoying. and im about 20 lbs overweight.
i'm ready for these 4 days at home and the inevitable fights that will ensue. hahaha. nonono no more fighting. so stop being an ass and stop freaking out. just golf.
i saw a job offering on Craigslist for a part time job at the Bamboo Room selling roses 2-3 times a month for $15 an hour. hahahahaha i WANT IT.
"Y aunque hayas sido un extranjero
Hasta en tu propio paÃs
Si yo te digo '¿como dices?'
Tu aún dices '¿que decÃs?'
Y lloras de emoción oyendo un bandoneón"
fucking VOS conjugation. argentines arent nice.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
the good news is lilys boobs have seen the world. and they LOVED it. fresh air. and also in scotland they eat sheep penis stuffed with potatoes. its kind of wirerd but i guess they eat human penus in germany according to aline. just kidding! but that would be halarious. hilariuos? comico. chistes chistes chistes. im drink
i always write that im drink instead of drunk i think it further illustrates the point im trying to prove.
lily loves mashed potatioes and so do i. i love them. and these skinny steask we eat.
steves is stupid and too busy watching tiger woods to talk to jme online duringthe maybe 2 hours online that i am on in argentina and that is sick~! you are sick stev~~!! sick sick scik
":stephen do't go in my room~! blah blah blah blah"
who am i?
jenny newbyt
sorry steve im drink you know this isnt the REAL me. wow how lame am i to updatemy blog when im drunk this is worse than a drunk dial by at least 100x.
lilys tired
ciao besos tambien~!
px. jobs is the name of the bar.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
this could be the end of all that we know
i dont know how lily drinks her wine so fast
all i know is that i resemble my mom more now than ever before (black teeth).
tonight is irish pub night. this should be interesting.
ciao besos.
Monday, March 26, 2007
blogger in spanish
blogger is in spanish here. it automatically puts all the links in spanish. thank god im fluent. i havent heard american music in days. es una lastima. last night the camping trip episode of greys was on and it had spanish subtitulos. lily gets embarassed of me whenever i try to speak spanish in publico.
ive done a lot of shopping an deverything is really cheap but ive still spent a lot of money and i think that by the time i get home, my $200 for April will already be spent and it will only be april 1st. es una lastima otra vez. si claro. hay muchas perritos aqui y todos son lindos. my spanimsh is very limited but i was having a conversation with some equadorians the other day and i told them about how i know the tasa de natalidad de todos los paises latinoamericanos. thank you spanish 231!
ive heard the song that is currently playing at least 30 times in the last 48 hours. elio sang it to lily. que linda. he's a rockstar claro que si. y tambien a professional jugador de futbol.
its really hot here. and i cant stop comiendo. my feet hurt fromso much walking and my wallet hurts from so much spending. nececito un nap. muchos naps.
well were going to go to dinner at 2 in the morning as usual. we went to a "boliche" the other night and left at 5AM which is considered early and lily was secretly pissed because we didnt get to watch the sunrise from the fuckin disco tech.
were going to go grocery shopping now and buy these steaks that you just throw in a pan and eat. lily says they are increible. they love their meat here. and leather. todas las partes de las vacas. and all the boys here have mullets. its kind of sad. (but some of the boys are cute like elio)
i saw evitas grave and lily is a wino.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
don't pass me by
just get ross and rachel together.
love is a warm gun
well i don't even like it that much. i really don't really like it at all.
this is me being immature.
and i just applied to iowa.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
can't stop the overstock shop
As far as my day has been concerned, i skipped basketball and will therefore get a B in the class. GREAT. what a stupid rule. Then i skipped English because i had to study for Arab and also because i didnt do the reading for english so i would have nothing to contribute. It was justified for sure. Then i filled a blue book with the dimensions of the Arab Family, some of which i kind of made up. Now i have to describe all the problems of the Arab world and then solve them in a 5 page paper. This is so realistic. I also don't think i will ever get a 3.0. fuck this B- is a 2.7 policy. WHAT IS THAT! the only other school i know that does that is Johns Hopkins.
I wish my mom would just answer her phone so i can get her credit card number so i can order these boots. there are only 4 pairs left in size 9.5! I'm still almost 100% financially dependent on my parents. This is part of the reason i need to sell my eggs. Since they decided i have to pay for grad school myself, and since i figured out a BA in English gets me nowhere, i have come to no other conclusion but to take out loans and sell eggs. I figure selling one batch (however many eggs that entails i do not know) will pay my rent for a year, which seems like an even trade to me. Plus i don't need all my eggs, i only need 3 good ones. and i don't even need them until im like 30. I wish i could say that i want to donate my eggs because i want to help make an infertile family's dreams come true but its really just for the money. I have no shame.
Also, instant coffee is disgusting. i would much rather pay $1.10 everyday at the Cage than drink this shit in my room for free.
Courtney is living in a single apartment next year and "jealous" doesn't even begin to describe how i feel about it. I've started to take serious issue with the whole residential campus thing here. Its just getting annoying. And the fact that there is an extremely limited number of singles available makes life that much harder for people who just want to live ALONE. sorry but i refuse to be bunking my bed at age 22.
I leave to go to Argentina in 3 days. I'm kind of nervous because I've never been out of the country by myself before and I've never payed attention to the customs part in the past. Lily said its the last thing i should be worried about but i still am. I'm also almost packed! I know i'm over-packing but i need options. I want my mom to take me to Spain this summer. Eric is going with school and I want to go too! I don't think i really appreciated/understood Spain the last time I went so i need a second chance. I also speak better spanish now though still not even close to fluent. Its good to know that 8 years of spanish has gotten me to the literacy level of a 2nd grader.
Wow i sound like a spoiled brat. eh whatever.
Monday, March 19, 2007
"Sometimes taking off can open up your eyes
To everything that lies in your heart
Cause that's when you miss your home
And the trees seem a little deader
I think we're getting back tonight
Would you care if I came over?
I've missed you about three weeks now
I'm dying just to taste your lips
Could we stomp around your back yard
And wreck our clothes in the mud?"
i hate this school
Sunday, March 18, 2007
"I dont mind if you dont mind cause i dont shine if you don't shine."
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Saturday, March 10, 2007
I just realized that my flight to Argentina departs 2 hours earlier than i thought. So i hope i can finish my spanish test in time to get to the aeropuerto. PLUS the airport bus goes at 10am and 1pm and my flight is at 2 and test at 1045 so i cant take it. so i hope bri will still drive me. i am NOT paying for parking. anyway my car will probably be stuck in the snow until July so GREAT.
Having food in my room is the dumbest idea ive ever had. Next year i refuse to have it. i want to decorate my single badassly. what a great adjective. I want to have a lot of seating options in case people want to watch movies or something. I've been punching my stomach so hard i think ive bruised vital organs.
The march airedale is really cute and looks a lot like the ix.
"My therapist said not to see you no more.
She said youre like a disease without any cure.
She said i'm so obsessed that i'm becoming a bore.
Oh no. oh you think you're so prettyyyyyyyyyy."
I should be doing some reading or something. The fact that im not taking a writing GE this semester makes me feel like i'm never doing the work i should be. My schedule is actually pretty light.
Schedule for next fall:
Spanish 232
English 185
English 221
Art 121 (Foundation Ceramics)
last night i slipped on ice and fell really hard. my hand still kind of hurts and my knee is bruised. and it was all for nothing.
i cant wait to study abroad in Cairo.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
baked cheetos < regular cheetos
all baked chips < all regular chips
I'm going to bed before 2 AM! HUZZAH!!!!!!!! whenever i say huzzah i think of a. mst3k the pod people and b. colonial williamsburg.
the whole getting a house thing didn't end up working out. mainly because people still dont really understand the importance of replying to e-mails and partly because everyone and their mom is going abroad next year. like most things i do in my life, going abroad is something i will do after everyone else has already done it, and right at the last minute.
Also an english major is so easy. But i got a b+ on our presentation today and im less than thrilled. I NEED A FUCKING 3.0!!!! and i mean a b+ will get me there but is an A just too much to ask for? Christ, ill take an A-.
Basketball might be the worst sport i have ever attempted (unsuccessfully) to play and i dont plan on every playing/watching it again after this semester. If i don't get rock climbing or fly fishing for my next gym class i'ma throw down.
Even though i pee right before i go to bed, i always wake up having to pee worse than i ever have in my life. this is a recent development. i think it might have something to do with the cancer i have self-diagnosed myself with. i might be a hypochondriac but im pretty sure this is ALL REAL.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Friday, March 02, 2007
Thursday, March 01, 2007
while you're standing just outside
of what your pride will allow
always reaching into yourself
to find a new way to understand me
when i'm sure that there's no one else
in the world who could withstand me
the first person in your life
to ever really matter
is saying the last thing
that you want to hear
and you are listening hard
through the splintering shards
of your life as it shatters
and you're standing firm
and you're staying close
and you're seeing clear
i took to the stage
with my outrage
in the bad old days
when you were the make-me-mad guy
but the songs
they come out more slowly
now that i am the bad guy
and i say, i'm sorry i'm so crazy
I am astounded by your patience
and you say, believe it or not, baby
the joy you bring me
still outweighs it
the first person in your life
to ever really matter
is saying the last thing
that you want to hear
and you are listening hard
through the splintering shards
of your life as it shatters
and you're standing firm
and you're staying close
and you're seeing clear
how sick of me
must you be
by now?
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
and kind of Running with Scissors too even though courtney said the book was bad.
Now i'm going to watch Half Nelson.
i kind of love that ryan gosling and rachel mcadams have been dating since The Notebook.
"I miss you most on wednesdays and saturdays."
so today my parking permit got revoked for the rest of the year from the incident when it got stuck in the snow this weekend.
stolaf is so stupid.
and my diet coke tastes really funky.
i have a problem with not doing my work.
i can feel myself putting on my spring weight.
my stomach hurts from the amazing tuna sandwhich i just ate.
i used to drink a lot of water until i lost my nalgene this weekend.
i'm kind of a feminist and i'm not upset about it.
"you know I can't apologize
for everything I know
I mean you don't have to agree with me
but once you get me going
you better just let me go
we have to be able to criticize
what we love
say what we have to say
cause if you're not trying to make something better
as far as I can tell
you're just in the way."
Monday, February 26, 2007
Sunday, February 25, 2007

Saturday, February 24, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
I'm tired of the therapy
I'm tired of the
fuck this. the chase.
and my mom's still amazed that i look like her
that this stranger in her house looks just like her
and my dad doesn't get why i act like him
why i bitch, scream, cry, whine, and attack like him
why i take shit eat shit from assholes just like him
and i'm enough like one to be recognized
but too much like the other to identify
fuck it.
and neither of them understand why my brother is quiet
why i'm so fucking loud and my brother is silent
theyre both just glad he's not rebellious like i was
the 8th grade rebel with absolutely no cause
because they give us everything we want but were so ungrateful
they work constantly to feed and clothe us but were so ungrateful
theyre too busy to listen and its all for us
and we're still just so ungrateful
fuck you.
real eyes
real lies
where is that from
i look like my mother but can't go much deeper
because she doesnt
i abuse like my father and can't let it go
because he wont
but i'll take responsibility for my choices when you do.
i'll show you mine if you show me yours
now where have i heard that before
oh if only you knew.
but now everything is perfect as far as they can tell
perfect daughter
turned rebel
turned actor
turned scholar
turned whatever.
oh if only you knew
exactly how much you've missed of my childhood hell
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
"after all I'm still a jerk playing with matches
it's just that he's not around to play along
I'm still an asshole playing with candles
Blowing out wishes blowing out dreams
Just sitting here and trying to decipher
what's written in Braille upon my skin."
Monday, February 19, 2007
i'm really tired lately. there are a lot of things from urban outfitters that i want. i wish my spring break was in 2 weeks.
i'm excited to go to argentina. people are skateboarding outside my dorm right now and its loud. i feel so busy lately. i'm scared about my monologue. but i'm more tired than anything else.
id like to nap but i have so much reading. oh well.
miss you.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
There's no mystery no more, just no talking to you
Guess you had other things in store
Guess I felt I was through
I answered every question as accurately as I could
I don't hear from you no more, but I get the message
You crashed your car through my front door,
I pulled you from the wreckage
You told me that you missed me
But you meant with the grill and hood
you'd kill me if you could
And if it's okay, I'll just grab my shit and leave
I won't say one word, I'll keep my tricks up my sleeve
Flew off of the handle, you opened fire on me
Put me down, put me out of misery
I'm fatally yours
You set fire to me that night,
you lit and left me burning
Out of my mind, but in my sights,
I saw the tables turning
I had a friend that needed me
You made a wish that won't come true,
and now it's killing two
And if it's okay, I'll just grab my shit and leave
I won't say one word, I'll keep my tricks up my sleeve
Flew off of the handle, you opened fire on me
Put me down, put me out of misery
I'm fatally yours
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
You peer inside yourself
You take the things you like
And try to love the things you took
And then you take that love you made
And stick it into someone else's heart
Pumping someone else's blood
And walking arm in arm
You hope it don't get harmed
But even if it does
You'll just do it all again."
If things don't start getting better in my life, i might consider becoming a drug addict. Lately everything has kind of been.... awful. oh well. life is kind of bad.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
"i know i know i know you're still my love. the same as i love you, you'll always love me too. this love isnt good unless its me and you."
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Static to the sound of
You and I undone
For the last time
And there this was
Hiding at the bottom
Of your swimming pool
Some September
Don't you think
I wish that I could stay?
Your lips give you away."
when i hear certain songs, i find it more difficult to live through the day. and its going to be impossible for me to get through this spring knowing our routine has finally ended and you wont be there waiting for me in the summer. i say "this is the last time" but then i always want just one more chance. and a part of me hopes its never the last time. i'm so selfish for that.
i'm materialistic, spoiled, and selfish.
what more is there to know?
i guess a necklace from Tiffany is the perfect gift after all.
i dont think the nightmare ever stops. i miss steve more than ever tonight.
Monday, February 12, 2007
"Life is chock-full of lies, but the biggest lie is math. Thats particulary clear in the discipline of probability, a field of study thats completely and wholly fake. When push comes to shove--when you truly get down to the core essence of existence--THERE IS ONLY ONE MATHEMATICAL POSSIBILITY: EVERYTHING IS 50-50. EITHER SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN OR SOMETHING WILL NOT. When you flip a coin, what are the odds of it coming up heads? 50-50. Either it will be heads or it will not. When you roll a six sided die, what are the odds that youll roll a three? 50-50. you'll either get a three or you wont. Thats reality. Dont fall into the childish "its one in six" logic crap. That is precisely what all your adolescent authority figures want you to believe. Thats how they enslave you. Thats how they stole your conviction, and thats why you will never be happy. Either you wil roll a three, or you will not; there are no other alternatives. The future has no memory. Certain things can be impossible and certain things can be guaranteed--but there is no sliding scale for maybe. Maybe something happen or maybe it wont. Thats all there is. What are the chances that your sister will die from ovarian cancer next summer? 50-50 (either shell die from ovarian cancer or she wont). What are the chances that your sister will become America's most respected underwater welding specialist? 50-50. It will happen or it wont.There are two possibilities and both are plausible and unknown. The odds are 2:1. These facts are irrefutable. Quasi-intellectuals like to claim that math is spiritual. They are lying. Math is not religion. Math is the anti-religion, because it splinters the gravity of life's only imperative equation: Either something is true, or is isn't. Do or do not; there is no try."
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Forget, I'm not sure I could.
They say time heals everything,
But I'm still waiting
I'm through, with doubt,
There's nothing left for me to figure out,
I've paid a price, and i'll keep paying
I'm not ready to make nice,
I'm not ready to back down,
I'm still mad as hell
And I don't have time
To go round and round and round
It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
Cause I'm mad as hell
Can't bring myself to do what it is
You think I shouldI know you said
Why can't you just get over it,
It turned my whole world around
and i kind of like it
I made by bed, and I sleep like a baby,
With no regrets and I don't mind saying,
It's a sad sad story
That a mother will teach her daughter
that she ought to hate a perfect stranger.
And how in the world
Can the words that I said
Send somebody so over the edge
That they'd write me a letter
Saying that I better shut up and sing
Or my life will be over
I'm not ready to make nice,
I'm not ready to back down,
I'm still mad as hell
And I don't have time
To go round and round and round
It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
Cause I'm mad as hell
Can't bring myself to do what it is
You think I should.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Thursday, February 08, 2007
you rip my heart right out
you rip my heart right out
i'd throw away everything i've written you. oh anything just keep my mind from thinking how i've had you once, oh i cant forget that. sometimes i wish i could lose you again.
I guess i am getting depressed again afterall.
and the more impending future is naming my future cat... these are the names i like..
Again, more girls. I miss my baby boy puppy. I am not excited for basketball tomorrow. Cuba Gooding Jr. is pretty funny but not as funny as Hugh Grant. Valentines day is getting closer and i love sending flowers and cards. My birthday is in less than a week and i didnt realize it was so close until about an hour ago.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Monday, February 05, 2007
except apartment hunting in northfield minnesota is a bitch and actually kind of gross.
im dead tired and sad about the bears. still determined to go to BU though, maybe even more so than before.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
this week i read the new book by mitch albom called For One More Day. I also read The Things They Carried by Tim O'brien. both were really good.
The bears will win the superbowl.
and i will go to boston university.
and we are destined to be lovers.
I love courtney cosgriff and lily lotfy
Thursday, February 01, 2007
its weird because that house no longer exists.
if my house ever sold as a tear-down i think i would cry for days.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
did i write that? i don't really think so. i found in the sophomore year journal just now that actually ended up molding into the senior year notebook for random rambling and bitching.
i also write terrible poetry. i'm in denial of the brevity of lackluster dreams.
"Dunn, do it for fuck's sake. quit being a pussy."
"He lives a block away from me.. a block. you love in another township! He could walk to my house and kill me."
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
I have this weird relationship with my parents. I actually have this weird relationship with everyone. Courtney can remember what i wore at almost every important and nonimportant event that i've been through in her presence. I watched Noises Off! with my parents and E the other day and nostalgia inevitably set in. even though im currently confused about almost everything in my life i'm greatful for the world's best friend because without her, all my decisions would be awful and wrong instead of just most of them. when i read all the writing on my desk, the best parts are court writing her name in a gold sticker on 12.28.02 and 12.28.03 and vince writing "Hi Audrey, youre heavy metal." spring break 2003 lives on in my heart forever.
i also dont know whats so tender about this trap.
"I don't mind waiting if it takes a long, long time.
And I don't mind wasting the best years of our lives.
And I don't mind racing through our goodbyes."
Monday, January 29, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
"I think that i'm throwing but i'm thrown.
i thought id live forever but now i'm not so sure,
you try to tell me that i'm clever
but that won't me anyhow or anywhere with you.
You said that i was naive and i thought that i was strong
i thought "hey i can leave i can leave"
oh but now i know that i was wrong."
"One more inch,
You son of a bitch.
You've been wasting my time, always.
And now you're half awake.
You bend til you break.
And make the same mistakes, always."
i love courtney and gio for reading this and also for being the greatest friends!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
You're my entire supply of gas, the match and igniter
The only way that I'm able to stay so stable
Is you're the legs to my table,
If you were to break I'd fall on my face
But I'm always gonna make you feel
I don't need you as much as I really need you
So you don't use it to your advantage
But you're essential to me
You're the air I breathe
I believe if you ever leave me
I'd probaly have no reason to be
You are the Kim to my Marshall
You're the Slim to my Shady
The Dre to my Eminem"
For love within a family, love that's lived in
But not looked at, love within the light of which
All else is seen, the love within which
All other love finds speech.
This love is silent."
T.S. Eliot
I'm thinking about switching to a psych major and becoming a therapist instead. courtney thinks i would be good at it and she is probably the only one. i'm also tired and in need ot a nap but refuse to take one right after eating lunch. i guess ill read.
Monday, January 22, 2007
It takes more than "I love you"
to mend these broken fences.
It takes more than flowers
to reestablish my trust.
It takes more than "I'm sorry"
to make me believe you
It takes more than your best
to overcome your worst.
It takes more than a lifetime
to make up for the pain.
It takes more than empty promises
to prove that you've changed.
It takes more than a phone call
to make your mark on my heart.
It takes more than consistency
to gain my willingness to start.
It takes more than trial and error
to understand my imperfections.
It takes more than flattery
to earn my compassion.
It takes more than jealousy
to convince me you're faithful.
It takes more than your tears
to tell me you'll remain so.
It takes more than "I love you"
to mend these broken fences.
It takes more than flowers
to reestablish my trust.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
recovering from any addiction is hard; be it mental, physical or emotional. most of the time it doesn't even seem like going through the recovery is worth all the suffering. every second of every day is spent thinking about the potential benefits of relapsing into the addiction. after a while, delusion sets in and it becomes impossible to remember any of the negative aspects of the addiction or why you chose to give it up in the first place. you remind yourself, your friends remind you and your therapist reminds you how low the lows were and how bad it sometimes got but you cannot be convinced.
I understand all this. i know i have an addictive personality. at least, an emotionally addictive personality. i depend on other people to fill voids in my life that i don't know how to fill on my own. im unhealthy. i cant move on. i can't let go. i want to. i need to. how do you let go of 4 years? i guess its all about baby steps. and the first baby step i have taken was buying "Codependent No More" at barnes and noble today. theres nothing like self help. and when that doesnt work theres nothing like courtney, movies and comfort food.
"They'll never hurt you like i do."
since im talking about all the tragedy in my life, i feel compelled to bring up ronny. lately i cant stop thinking about him and i dont think ill ever stop feeling responsible. at the funeral, his sister said that suicide is usually considered the most selfish thing a person can do, but she insisted that in ronnys case it was the most self-less thing he ever did. i didn't understand it then and 7 months later i still dont. because i still hurt and im still not okay and i know i can say the same for at least 10 other people and how is that fair? im not mad anymore. i just feel worthless. why werent we enough? why wasnt this enough? that sounds so cliche. i'm just so tired of feeling empty. i had so many plans that ended so abruptly.
dealing with the suicide of a close friend has made me hate myself for the my attempts and constant contemplation. i know now its something i'll never do. this may seem like an obvious statement to a lot of people and a little stupid too but its actually somewhat of a revelation for me. this post is kind of intense. but i think i am kind of intense even when most people see me as a static one-sided character. thats my fault. someday i'll stop hiding behind my humor, but not any day soon.
"you say that love goes anywhere. in your darkest time, its just enough to know its there."
beatnik cunt?
I'm crazy on this ship of fools. I miss having a boat. and swimming in the marina and poking all the dead carp with sticks.
I'm sick of my doughy physique.
"If you let me have my way, I swear I'll tear you apart.
Cause it's all you can be.
You're a drunk and you're scared."
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Friday, January 19, 2007
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
i can be an asshole of the grandest kind
I can withhold like it's going out of style
I can be the moodiest baby,
and you've never met anyone as as,
negative as i am sometimes
i am the wisest woman you've ever met
i am the kindest soul with whom you've connected
i have the bravest heart that you've
ever seen and you've never met anyone
Who is as positive as I am sometimes
If i had enough self-control, i would have an eating disorder.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Monday, January 15, 2007
It is just ALL too familiar.
when your ex boyfriend starts to like your best friend, you really get to thinking about the other best friend you fucked over 5 years ago when this all started. and really you just have to hope that your current best friend is a better friend than you were then.
and then since youre already on the subject of exbest friends you start to inevitably think about sarah. and you miss her and wish she liked you as a person and was willing to deal with you again.
of course you then think about the neverending list of exbest friends starting with tricia, nicole, jessica, dominique, bianca, jeanae, ali (who you are slowly reclaiming), lauren, susan, and even (at one extremely dismal and low point in life) courtney. but there's really no point in dwelling because seriously what can you do?
its not all about fall out boy!!!! bring back the Jodie!!! haha. i love the Carter Joe Alex Demo. and when Court and Joe get married i am insisting on playing some 56 texas at the reception... "walk a little bit faster"
dude 6 piece chicken nuggets are on the dolla menu for January and i need to get on that. mcdonalds is slowly leading me to heart failure and i'm so okay with that.
Also i wish i didnt care about celebrity gossip but i do i do i really do.
and i miss courtney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get me to winona.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Don't live forever boy."
Long napless days lead to long sleep-filled nights. I am so sick of chicken. No more chicken. Maybe ill try to watch the pirates sequal again. I just can't stand whats-her-name. Kiera Knightly. She just seems like such a bitch in real life.
Its snowing. Court said blizzard. It would be pretty sweet to have one im not going to lie. I mean if its going to be below zero, there might as well be something to show for it. take away some of this drearyness... dreariness? whatever. FYI the 2007 Airedale calender is pretty amazingly cute. i think i need to submit a picture of Axle. hes a perfect representation of the breed. i miss him terribly.
quit the excessive drinking and smoking.
"If I could bottle my hopes in a store bought scent
They'd be nutmeg peach and they'd pay the rent."
Saturday, January 13, 2007
"You've been my golden best friend
And now with post-demise at hand
I can't go to you for consolation
Cuz we're off limits during this transition
This grief overwhelms me
It burns in my stomach
And I can't stop bumping into things
I thought we'd be simple together
I thought we'd be happy together
thought we'd be limitless together
I thought we'd be precious together
But I was sadly mistaken
You've been my soulmate and then some
I remembered you the moment I met you
With you I knew God's face was handsome
With you I saw fun and expansion
This loss is numbing me it pierces my chest
And I can't stop dropping everything
I thought we'd be sexy together
thought we'd be evolving together
I thought we'd have children together
I thought we'd be family together
But I was sadly mistaken
If I had a bill for all the philosophies I shared
If I had a penny for all the possibilities I presented
If I had a dime for every hand thrown up in the air
My wealth would render this no less severe
I thought we'd be genius together
I thought we'd be healing together
I thought we'd be growing together
thought we'd be adventurous together
But I was sadly mistaken
thought we'd be exploring together
thought we'd be inspired together
I thought we'd be flying together
thought we'd be on fire together
but I was sadly mistaken"
alanis- simple together
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
I kind of wish i had more of a life. I have a soccer game tonight. that should be interesting since im still really sore from the first one. Vagina monologues first rehersal went well. im glad to be acting again and now i understand that i'm doing it for a cause, and an important one at that.
sexual assault is ridiculous and too common. people who think the Vagina Monologues are just a bunch of crude feminists are extremely misinformed.
i'm not going to go all womyn and riot grrrrl and what not. i just think people need to know.
people also need to know that i'm in the mood for Garden State and plan on watching it tonight after the game.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Sunday, January 07, 2007
why do people at airline companies make it impossible for me to see my friends? i made lily's bed already and now she's not coming. how sad!
i love boston. its where i was destined to end up. i'm excited for grad school. i know i want to be in boston, or new york, or LA or some big city. hopefully boston though really. i love the Anas, and Boca, and CHOWDA.
ive been thinking about steve all day. i don't know how to stop. i feel like im Corey Flood from Say Anything and there is nothing i can do to get out of this twisted cycle except hope that steve has moved on and will never take me back because thats the only way ill ever separate myself from him. but just the thought of that makes me want to die a little.
"so im single now. everything's changed. i hate it."
Saturday, January 06, 2007
i think yeah maybe a part of me would like a relationship but more than anything else i just want some attention. someone to like me and want to hang out with me, go see a movie, go out to dinner.
i desperately want to like being single and enjoy not having a significant other. i want to drink without the main goal of getting completely wasted and forgetting about my pathetic and useless lovelife.
"you're not sick, you're single."
well i feel sick. but i'm determined to be okay with being single. and hopefully i will be okay with it soon. because quite frankly im tired of not being okay with it.
maybe im just a late bloomer.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Thursday, January 04, 2007
1. When was the last time you shaved your legs? like a week ago to me. i kind of let myself go in the winter
2. What were you doing this morning at 8am? in class baby
3. What were you doing 15 minutes ago? walking back from the gym
4. Are you any good at math? worse that awful
6. Do you have any famous ancestors? there's a park named after my great grandpa in miami, arizona!
7. Are you mad at anyone right now? nah im over it.
8. do you know the words to your profile song? i hate profile songs
9. Last thing received in the mail? uhhh to me the church newsletter. SWEET.
10. How many different drinks have you had today? a fresca and a dr pepper
12. Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machine? yes. very long and and important ones.
13. Who did you lose your CONCERT virginity to? blink 182
14. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach? definitely
15. What's the most painful dental procedure you've had? wisdom
16. What is out your back door? a big willow tree.
17. Do you have plans on Friday night? no. maybe drive home?
18. Do you like the ocean? love it
19. Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different kinds of popcorn for Christmas? no but ive always wanted one.
20. Have you ever been to a planetarium? yeah E and i went this summer
22. Something you are excited about? interim break.
24. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive? nope
25. Describe your love life. i guess im doing like "casual dating" and hating every minute of it
26. Where do you keep your change? in the bottom of my purse
27. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people? eh for some presentation first semest.
28. Do you have a lot of winter coats? like 5 or 6
29. What was the weather like on your Birthday? i don't know. probably snowy.
30. Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed? open
Is your hair up? for sure
Is your phone right beside you? no its on my bed
Do you have a bf/ gf? no
Do you wish you were somewhere else? definitely. almost anywhere. except like russian tundra.
Do you have plans for tonight? audition for vagina monologues
Are you wearing makeup? def not
Are you wearing chapstick? unfortunately no
Are you cold? noo
Are you tired? always
Are you excited? no
Are you watching t.v.? no. there isnt anything on the 4 channels we get.
Are you wearing pajamas? no
Who's the last person you IMed? Gio
Who's the last person that called you? Cyndi
Anything you regret? ugh yes
Ever lied? definitely
Ever stuck gum under a desk? yeah but i hate it
Ever spit at someone? i dont think so. maybe jeanae in like 7th grade
Ever kick something living? not like a dog or anything.
Ever had your nails done? yes
Ever thrown up because you cried so hard? don't think so
Had any plans last week? surprisingly yes
Who did you see most last week? courtney
Was last week interesting? to say the least yes
Have you cussed? no! yay!
Have you yelled at someone? no. i dont really come in contact with people.
Have you gotten mad at someone? nah
Have you called more than 3 people? no way
Have you IMed more than 3 people? nope
Have you eaten anything gross? eh the south beach diet bar wasnt the greatest.
Q. First thing you did this morning? turned off my alarm and put in my contacts
Q. Last thing you ate? a dove chocolate
Q. What's something you look forward to most in the next 6 weeks? interim break!
Q. What's annoying you right now? my lame class
Q. What's the last movie you saw? Night at the Museum
Q. Do you believe in long distance relationships? i believe in their existence, i dont know if im ready for one.
Q Where is the last place you went? the gym
Q: Who is the last person you called? ryan
Q: Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now? probably not
Q: Choose one to have (love, beauty, creativity): love
Q: Do you wish on stars? not really
Q: Does it work? definitely not
Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? no, in fact i dont even know if i remember how to tie shoes.
Q: When did you last cry? new years day.
Q: Do you like your handwriting? not lately.
Q: Are you a friendly person? sometimes but its usually fake.
Q: Are you keeping a secret from the world? haha no
Q: Who's bed did you sleep in last night? mine
Q: What color shirt are you wearing? used to be white, now kind of just dinge color
Q: Do you have any pets? baby ix who i miss and some fish
Q: What is the color of your bedsheets? orange tie dye
Q: What were you doing at 9 last night? watching TV
Q: last person you talked to: court
Q: When is the last time you saw your dad? 2 days ago
Q: Look to your left: bag of dove chocolate and stolaf course catalog and birth control
Q: Ever cried yourself to sleep? yes
Q: Ever cried on your friends shoulder? yes
Q: Are you a normally happy person? id have to go with no.
Q: Is your self-esteem low or high? llooowww
Q: What color are your eyes? blue
Q: Long or Short Hair: long fo real
Q: Current Music? early november- 1000 times a day.