xX Red : Anger Xx
are you currently mad at someone? yes
which of your friends has the worst temper? steve
whats the meanest thing you've ever done? eh i dont know. ive done a lot
have you ever thrown something at anyone? Yes
does your face turn red when your angry? No
when you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell and scream? yell and scream
xX Orange : Excitement Xx
has anyone ever threw you a suprise party? yes! when i turned 15!
are you easily excited? yes
what event is coming up that your most excited about? Crab Lake
which of your friends is most exciteable? Joanna i think
If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought? "awesome"
If you could have anything right now what would it be? A swimming pool in my backyard and a badass speedboat for the lake.
xX Yellow : self discovery Xx
Full Name? Audrey Claire Billhymer
Where were you born? Hoffman Estates
Whats your main goal in life? To love my job
What do you value more friends or family? family because they won't try to get your boyfriend to cheat on you with them
Do you want to have children? Yes
How do you want to die? peacefully
xX Green : Opinions Xx
Sex before marriage? why not?
Gay Marriage? i'm down with it
Lowering the drinking age? no people are too stupid
Capital Punishment? Nooo
Abortion? Prolife
Recycling? definitely! it rocks! haha
xX Blue : Dreams Xx
What was your latest dream? i dont remember.
Which of your friends do you dream about the most? steve
Have any of your dreams come true? no, thank god, they are fucked up
Do you usually remember your dreams? i remember vague ideas
What was the weirdest dream you've ever had? like wheeling myself around Frost in a computer chair... it was weirder than it sounds... i think...
What was the best dream? i dont remember
xX Purple : Love Xx
Straight, Gay, Bi? Straight
Do you have a boyfriend? yes
Do you have a crush? on steve
Who was your first kiss with? that Vince guy from Forsworn. haha no really it was. 6th grade.
Who is the best "hugger" that you know? hmmm matt probably
Do you believe in Love at first sight? maybe